Lab News
Follow us on IG!
February 16, 2024
For the latest news from our lab, please follow us on Instagram. Click on this link @draimilcelab or Scan the QR code.
Carlos, Charlie and Jan presented their work at the 2023 Summer Research Fest
August 3, 2023
Carlos started in our lab in June 2023 as part of the NSF RampUp Post-Bac program and will stay for a year to then pursue a PhD. Charlie a undergraduate at Bennington Unversity in vermont joined our lab for the summer as part of the UPRRP NSF IQ-BIO REU program. Jan is an undergraduate at UPRRP and during this Summer joined the NIH IDgene program for the next two years before applying for PhD programs. All three did great work during the summer and their presentation demonstrated that!
Hasta luego Caroline and Camila!
July 31, 2023
We said our "Hasta luego" (see you later) to Caroline and Camila who are leaving the lab for new adventures.
Caroline will be starting a 1-year Post-bac at Marine Biological Labs (MBL) in Woods Hole, MA.
Camilla will be pursuing Optometry Degree.Â
Best of luck to both. We are sure you'll do great!
Hasta luego Angela!
July 5, 2023
Angela is a high school science teacher in Cabo Rojo PR and was selected to participate in the 2023 NSF-funded Biorets: Biointeractions program. She spent the month of June with us learning Drosophila genetics and techniques she can implement in the classroom. It was great having Angela in the lab. We'll miss her energy and positivity.
For more info on Biorets:
Astrid, Camila and Caroline graduated!
June 29, 2023
Congratulations! We know you will all do amazing on your next step. Las extrañaremos.
Our lab got a new logo!
June 2, 2023
We got inspired by our neighboring labs which all have beautiful logos and decided it was time for us to have one. Not only did we get the logo but also painted a wall mural in our Molecular Biology lab.
Mari, Astrid and Dra. Imilce participate from the NIH COBRE Retreat
May 26, 2023
Dra. Imilce gave a talk on the project funded by the NIH COBRE titled: "The role of probiotics in the gut microbiota-brain axis - implications for aging". Astrid and Mari presented their findings made possible by this grant.
Melanie sent her samples for Untargeted Metabolomics.
May 15, 2023
This day was very important. Melanie worked non-stop from February to this day to collect 48 samples to send for Untargeted Metabolomics. We calculated a total of 20,230Â flies were collected for this experiment only! Impressive work by Melanie.
Astrid presented her Capstone project!
May 15, 2023
Astrid was part of the Interdisciplinary Program which allowed her to do a capstone project including preparing a research proposal, doing the actual research and presenting her findings. Congratulations Astrid for great work!
Cecilia and Keri go to Utah to present their research
April 5, 2023
Cecilia and Keri are part of the NIH-funded IDgene undergraduate research program. They had the opportunity to participate and present at the 2023 NHGRI Research Training & Career Development Annual Meeting in Utah.
Dra. Imilce lab has been awarded a Catalyzer Research Grant from the Puerto Rico Science, Technology & Research Trust Research Grants Program
September 2, 2022
We are deeply honored to receive the Catalyzer award. Can't wait to see all the cool data that comes out of this project titled: 'Probiotics, metabolome and the gut-brain axis in health and aging'.
Read the full article published by:
Puerto Rican newspaper Metro (in Spanish): HERE
News is my business (in English): HERE
or by
Dra. Imilce is selected to participate at the 2022 Butler-Williams Scholars Program sponsored by the NIH National Institute on Aging (NIA)
August 18, 2022
This highly-competitive NIH NIA program will provide Dra. Imilce with a career advancement opportunity to learn effective grantsmanship skills, grow her network and learn more about NIA scientific priorities. This year the program will be held virtually and will run from August 23-25, 2022.
From the NIA website:
'The 2022 Butler-Williams Scholars Program (formerly the Summer Institute on Aging Research) includes lectures, seminars, and small group discussions in research design relative to aging, including issues relevant to aging of ethnic and racial minorities. Lectures will cover topics in research on aging, including: the biology of aging; genetics and Alzheimer's disease; and health, behavior, and aging. Discussion sessions will focus on methodological approaches and interventions. The program also will include consultation on the development of research interests and advice on preparing and submitting research grant applications to NIA.'
More info at the NIA website HERE
Caroline is accepted to the Undergraduate Research Program of the Puerto Rico Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation (PR-LSAMP)
August 11, 2022
Congratulations to Caroline Casiano for being accepted to the Undergraduate Research Program of the Puerto Rico Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation (PR-LSAMP). This 1-year program will provide Caroline with a stipend and funding for materials to allow her continue her research training in the Dra. Imilce lab.
For more info and how to apply to PR-LSAMP go HERE
It's a wrap! Angelie and Cecilia presented their research at the 2022 Summer Research Fest at UPR Rio Piedras
August 4, 2022
Congratulations to Angelie and Cecilia for a very productive summer and an awesome presentation! Cecilia will continue this research project during her academic year at UPR Rio Piedras as part of the NIH-sponsored IDgene program. Angelie concluded the NSF-sponsored IQ-BIO REU summer internship and will continue her studies in Chemistry at the UPR Ponce. Angelie will be missed!
Newspaper El Nuevo Dia features Dra. Imilce and two other Puerto Rican scientists attending prestigious Leadership Program
July 19, 2022
Dra. Imilce was one of the 20 early- and late-stage professionals selected to attend the prestigious 2022 Linton-Poodry SACNAS Leadership Institute (LPSLI) celebrated in Washington DC. At the LPSLI she participated from 5-days of career development workshops focused on being a effective and inclusive leader, listened to talks from invited speaker who are leaders in their fields, and expanded her network.
More info about SACNAS HERE
More info about LPSLI HERE
Link to El Nuevo Dia article HERE.
Picture from El Nuevo Dia.
Natalia volunteers at the Muscular Dystrophy Association (MDA) Summer camp
July 15, 2022
Natalia Peta is one of the selected volunteers to participate at the Muscular Dystrophy Association (MDA) Summer camp. These overnight camps located around the U.S. are at no cost to kids families. Natalia along other volunteers will be trained to provide physical and emotional support to campers to ensure they have a great time.
For more info go HERE
Angelie Nuñez will be joining our lab for the summer of 2022 as part of the NSF-sponsored IQ-Bio REU Program
June 6, 2022
Angelie Nuñez a Chemistry major from the UPR Ponce will join the Dra. Imilce lab as an undergraduate researcher during the Summer of 2022 (June - August). She will be funded by the NSF-sponsored Interdisciplinary & Quantitative Biology Summer Research Experience for undergraduates (IQ-Bio REU) program at UPR Rio Piedras. Welcome to the lab Angelie!
For more info and how to apply to IQ-Bio REU go HEREa
Cecilia Fadhel is selected to participate in the NIH-sponsored undergraduate research program IDgene
June 6, 2022
Cecilia Fadhel joins the Dra. Imilce lab as an undergraduate researcher funded by the NIH-sponsored IDgene program at UPR Rio Piedras. She will start her research project in the summer (June- August 2022) and will continue during the academic year. Welcome to the lab Cecilia!
Find more info about the program HERE
Caroline goes to NOLA to learn about Alzheimer's and aging research
June 12, 2022
Congratulations to Caroline Casiano on being selected to participate in the NIH/NIA-sponsored course Advance Training Course titled: 'FRONTIERS IN ALZHEIMER’S AND AGING RESEARCH (FrA2R)' at Xavier University of Louisiana in New Orleans, LA. She will be there from June 12-17, 2022 where she will learn about different aspects of Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias (ADRD) and the mechanisms of aging. Lectures will be combined with hands-on lab research.
Find more info about the course HERE.
Astrid will participate in the Summer Research Internship for Minority Students (SRIMS) at Marshall University
May 31, 2022
Congratulations to Astrid for being selected to participate in the Summer Research Internship for Minority Students (SRIMS) at Marshall University in West Virginia from May 31st to July 27th, 2022. Find more information about the program HERE.